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Hangaia tā tātou anamata. Cameron rori wāhanga 2

Building our future. Cameron Road Stage 2

Upgrading Cameron Road and the waters network beneath it has an important role to play in providing more homes for people in our city.

We’re working on a plan to make vital infrastructure improvements along Cameron Road between 17th Avenue and Cheyne Road, Pyes Pā to prepare our city for increasing population growth on the Te Papa peninsula and the western area of the city. We also want to make the area safer and more attractive.

Update - December 2024

The business case was approved by Commissioners in December 2023 and was considered by the New Zealand Transport Agency Waka Kotahi (NZTA) Board in June 2024. 

The NZTA board did not approve the business case for funding in its current form on the basis that it didn’t align with the new Government Policy Statement (GPS) on land transport, which was finalised in June 2024 and came into effect on 1 July 2024.

GPS 2024 is built around four strategic priorities – Economic Growth and Productivity, Increased Maintenance and Resilience, Safety, and Value for Money.

Work on a revised business case which aligns with the new GPS is currently under way. Council will consider next steps for the project in early 2025.

Why are we upgrading the road?

Over the next 30 years, 15,000 more people will be living on the Te Papa peninsula. That means we need to start work now to develop the area into a place where more people can live, learn, work and play.

The upgrade is intended to cater for increasing population growth on the Te Papa peninsula while also acknowledging the cultural connection to Te Ranga in Pyes Pā.

We will also be continuing to upgrade our vital waters infrastructure along the corridor, building on the upgrades carried out as part of the Stage 1 project.

The project will also open up the opportunity for extensive development in the western area of the city, linking people from the west to the city centre and beyond, contributing to Tauranga’s economic growth and prosperity.

Explore our virtual room to find out more about our plans for Cameron Road Stage 2.

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Preferred option and early design

In October-November 2023 we sought community feedback on a proposed early design for improvements to Cameron Road from 17th Avenue, through Gate Pā and Greerton Village, to Cheyne Road, Pyes Pā. You can read the one-page summary of community feedback and/or read the full engagement report below.

One page summary (80kb pdf)
Engagement report (3.2mb pdf)

The revised business case may require us to revisit the early design to align with GPS 2024 (see above). We will continue to engage with the community about any proposed changes.

What area are we looking at?

For Stage 2, we are looking at the area that includes Cameron Road from 17th Avenue to Cheyne Road, Pyes Pā, while also acknowledging the cultural connection to Te Ranga.

With the area’s unique features in mind, we are looking at improvements in five key areas along Cameron Road.

  • Tauranga South
  • Pukehinahina/Gate Pā
  • Gate Pā South
  • Greerton
  • Maarawaewae/Pyes Pā

Frequently asked questions

Tauranga is growing fast. Over the next 30 years, 15,000 more people will be living on the Te Papa peninsula. We also know that the wider Western Bay of Plenty is planning for an extra 280,000 people over the next 30-50 years.

That means we need to start work now to transform the area into a place where more people can live, work and play.

Existing congestion, ageing infrastructure and a city built on peninsulas means we need to do things differently to prepare for change. If we do nothing, road congestion is set to stay – and worsen.

Cameron Road is one of our city’s main arteries, connecting people in Tauranga’s southern suburbs to the city centre. It is an important through route and a destination for many with schools, businesses and the hospital located along it. As our city continues to grow, this key route will become even more important. This is why we need to make changes now.

The Cameron Road Stage 2 project will also open up the opportunity for extensive development in the western area of the city, linking people from the west to the city centre and beyond, contributing to Tauranga’s economic growth and prosperity.

We’re working with our regional and central Government partners, local residential and business communities and tangata whenua to ensure we get it right. The future starts now, but it’s going to take time.

We started by investigating a wide range of different solutions that aim to provide more travel options to the places people want to go, however they choose to get there - on foot, bike, scooter, catching a bus or driving.

We have been working with local hapū and talking to community organisations, residents, schools and businesses to get an understanding of the things that are important to them. We have taken the things people have told us they love, wish, and wonder for the future of Cameron Road to develop a preferred option with a focus on specific outcomes that can improve Cameron Road for those that live, study, work and travel through here.

The business case is currently being revised and we will continue to engage with the community about any proposed changes.

The upgrade to the section of Cameron Road between Harington Street and 17th Avenue (Stage 1), needed a different focus from the section between 17th Avenue and Cheyne Road, Pyes Pā (Stage 2).

As Stages 1 and 2 are within the same road corridor, there will naturally be some consistency and connectivity between the two stages. However, there are different communities, land use and aspirations for the future within Stage 2 that need to be recognised through the proposed upgrades. For example, Greerton Village has different needs from the area around Tauranga Hospital. For this reason, we are taking a fresh approach to this project to look at what is important to the communities within five distinct areas along this section of Cameron Road. There are some important goals for this project including improving safety for all users, acknowledging the history of the area, and recognising the importance of place. We are looking at ways to protect the sense of place and community, the cultural heritage and street greening, with safety for all users as the top priority. While there may be some similarities in parts, Stage 2 will not be a replica of the style of upgrades being constructed for Stage 1.

In some areas parking will be reduced or available at specific times only to fit all the ways that people travel along Cameron Road into the available space.

It is a balance and the team look to avoid taking away parking where possible or minimise the impact of taking parking out. A Parking Management Plan is an important part of the planning for Stage 2, which looks at a range of ways to better manage the parking available for all users.

In the coming years, the changes should bring benefits to local businesses once it is completed. The area will be safer and more attractive for people to walk, bus, bike, and enjoy spending time in. This means there should be more people in the area bringing more opportunities, more customers, and more business.

We acknowledge that construction is disruptive for businesses and customers. We will work closely with businesses to understand their concerns and minimise impacts as much as possible.

From our initial discussions, we heard from local businesses and the community about the importance of balancing movement and place through Greerton Village.

Some changes have already been made in the village, so this project seeks to improve these changes while recognising that Greerton Village is a centre with its own special sense of place, with retail and commerce where people can meet and socialise, as well as an important transport route connecting to the city.

This is dependent on how the business case and design stages progress, and we will continue to provide regular project updates.

Key information

Project type
Major projects
Planning, design and renewal
Transport and movement
Water services


Gate Pā / Greerton / Avenues / Merivale / Pyes Pā

Key dates

  • Work commences to prepare Business Case

    Early 2022
  • Engagement with partners, mana whenua, stakeholders and the local community

    April 2022 to April 2023
  • Development and assessment of options

    April 2022 to May 2023
  • Engagement with the community on preferred option / early design

    18 October - 12 November 2023
  • Business case approved by Commissioners

    December 2023
  • Business case heard by NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi (NZTA)

    June 2024
  • Council supports development of revised business case for consideration in early 2025

    August 2024
  • Council to consider next steps for the project

    Early 2025

Who's listening

Transport Team
Tauranga City Council

07 577 7000

Want to find out more?

This project is part of the work we are doing to build our future. Cameron Road, Te Papa.

Building our future. Cameron Road - Te Papa

Other ways to get involved

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